Improving Monadic Regions

Posted on 10 Dec 2013, under haskell | functional programming | regions

Monadic regions are a great idea, but the current implementation suffers from what I think is a major flaw: you can't pass resources to a new thread. I'm going to rectify that.

Let's rework the API from scratch. What we want is a Monad that ensures that resources can't escape their scope. To achieve this, we utilize RankNTypes, and a phantom parameter:

-- s is the scope variable
-- m is the inner monad (this is a monad transformer)
-- a is the return type.
data RegionT s m a = ...

-- The universal quantifier ensures that any types
-- parameterized by s can't appear outside of the region.
runRegionT :: (forall s. RegionT s m a) -> m a
runRegionT region = ...

data Handle s = ...

-- action is executed when the handle's reference count hits zero.
newHandle :: m () -> RegionT s m (Handle s)
newHandle action = ...

useHandle :: Handle s -> RegionT s m ()
useHandle res = if refCount res <= 0 then error "..." else return ()

So far so good. How about child scopes?

-- Any resources allocated in the region parameter will
-- automatically be released when the region exits.
scope :: (forall s. RegionT s m a) -> RegionT s' m a
scope region = ...

What happens if we want to make use of a resource from the surrounding scope? We need some way to import resources:

capture :: Handle s' -> RegionT s m (Handle s)
capture resource = ...

Conceptually, capture will increment the reference count for resource, and then decrement it when the surrounding scope terminates. We can define a similar function for escaping scopes:

escape :: Handle s -> RegionT s m (Handle s')
escape resource = ...

escape also increments the reference count for resource, but it will be decremented when the parent scope exits instead. But what if we have multiple nested scopes? Which scope does it escape to? How do we ensure that the reference count is decremented when the correct scope exits?

Allowing resources to escape through arbitrarily nested scopes would require type level lists, and therefore UndecidableInstances to search them. Let's restrict capture and escape to only work over one level of scope. To do this, we need to add another phantom type parameter to indicate the parent scope.

We redefine everything as follows:

-- p is the parent scope
-- c is the current (child) scope
data RegionT p c m a = ...

runRegionT :: (forall p c. RegionT p c m a) -> m a
scope :: (forall c. RegionT p c m a) -> RegionT p' p m a

data Handle p c = ...

newHandle :: m () -> RegionT p c m (Handle p c)

-- Handles can be used whenever the current context
-- is the same. We allow the parent context to differ
-- for reasons which will be revealed soon...
useHandle :: Handle p' c -> RegionT p c m ()

capture :: Handle p' p -> RegionT p c m (Handle p c)
escape :: Handle p c -> RegionT p c m (Handle p' p)

This formulation is already quite different from the existing implementation. Incidentally, it's perfect for what I'm about to do.

I define a function named reset:

reset :: (m a -> m b) -> (forall p. RegionT p c m a) -> RegionT p' c m b
reset transform region = ...

reset takes a region computation, unwraps it and then passes it to transform. It retains the context of the parent scope. This implies that resources from the parent scope are automatically captured. If we increment the reference counts of the captured resources before the computation is passed to transform, things like this become perfectly safe:

runRegionT $ do
    handle <- newHandle ...
    reset forkIO $ do
        threadDelay aReallyLongTime
        useHandle handle

    useHandle handle

    -- Root region exits before reset region does, but handle
    -- isn't released until the forked region exits.

And that's it! The actual implementation of this scheme can get a little hairy at times (think nested generators), so I'll describe that in a later post.

The Whole API

data RegionT p c m a = ...

runRegionT :: (forall p c. RegionT p c m a) -> m a
scope :: (forall c. RegionT p c m a) -> RegionT p' p m a
reset :: (m a -> m b) -> (forall p. RegionT p c m a) -> RegionT p' c m b

data Handle p c = ...

newHandle :: m () -> RegionT p c m (Handle p c)
useHandle :: Handle p' c -> RegionT p c m ()

capture :: Handle p' p -> RegionT p c m (Handle p c)
escape :: Handle p c -> RegionT p c m (Handle p' p)
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